Gran Milonga @DeMarkten

Detangosetrata & Bailongo de Tango are pleased to announce the upcoming and final event of the season!

Gran Milonga del Rio de la Plata

from 4:00 PM to 10:30 PM

With DJ Carolina La Limeña (PE)
DJ Jose El Chinito (AR)

The Milonga will be preceded by 2 workshops:
1:00 PM > 2:30 PM: Individual Hypopressive Tango
2:30 PM > 4:00 PM: Tango Technique: Boleos:
Fluidity and Precision for both roles
With Paula Rubin (AR)

We look forward to seeing you all on the dance floor,

Participation fees:
Workshop: €25 or member card of €120 for 5 workshops
Saturday full-day package (2 workshops + milonga): €55
Saturday light package (1 workshop +milonga): €35
Milonga: €12
Registration for the workshops is desirable at the email below! We thank you in advance!

CC De Markten
5, Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains
1000 Brussels (metro St Catherine)
Mirror room – Parquet floor – 1st floor
Entrance behind the bar, take the red stairs.